What is international Wild Koala Day?

What is international Wild Koala Day?

by Ali Wunderman, USA Australia’s mascot animal has been through a lot lately. Earlier this year, koalas suffered through bushfires, and now, a pandemic has everyone’s future feeling a little undecided. Koalas deserve a day to be celebrated, which is why Wild Koala...
A wild koala story from Noosa, part 6

A wild koala story from Noosa, part 6

by Bernard Jean Day 6/10 Sixth day out of 10 of posting the story and photos of a beloved wild koala from Noosa National Park, before International Wild Koala Day, May 3rd, 2020. Today we’ll explore what happened in Tea Tree Bay after Mornington’s disappearance on...
A beloved wild koala from Noosa National Park

A beloved wild koala from Noosa National Park

by Bernard Jean Day 5/10 Fifth day out of 10 of posting the story and photos of a beloved wild koala from Noosa National Park before International Wild Koala Day, May 3rd, 2020. Today we’ll explore the 2018 photos of Mornington in Tea Tree Bay Noosa National Park,...
How to see wild koalas in Noosa

How to see wild koalas in Noosa

by Bernard Jean Day 4/10 Fourth day out of 10 of posting the story and photos of a beloved wild koala from Noosa National Park (NNP), before International Wild Koala Day, May 3rd, 2020. Today we’ll explore the 2015 photos of Mornington in Tea Tree Bay (TTB), Noosa...